Welcome to Kaohsiung American School

Bringing global opportunities to southern Taiwan by inspiring holistic learning in a nurturing environment

Welcome to Kaohsiung American School

Bringing global opportunities to southern Taiwan by inspiring holistic learning in a nurturing environment

Welcome to Kaohsiung American School

Bringing global opportunities to southern Taiwan by inspiring holistic learning in a nurturing environment

Welcome to Kaohsiung American School

Founded in 1989, KAS is a fully accredited PreK–12 international school. We believe that a rich, holistic, and international education prepares students for an increasingly complex, multicultural, and rapidly changing world. Our highly qualified and diverse faculty, coupled with American standards-based curricula, the IB Middle Years Programme, and the IB Diploma Programme, inspire our students to discover what drives them, to challenge themselves, and to invest in their passions.


Student-Centered Learning


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自2019年起,台灣積極推動為期十年的『太空三期計畫』,投入高達400億元用於研發低軌通訊衛星、規劃國家發射場,以及培育優秀人才。這項計畫更將太空科技產業納入政府的『六大核心戰略產業』之一,彰顯出政府對於太空事業的重視與承諾。於2023年10月,台灣更成功發射了第一顆自製氣象衛星『獵風者』,為台灣太空探索揭開了嶄新的篇章。 為配合政府積極推動的雙語政策和太空計畫,高雄美國學校攜手英國星光教育機構Starlight Education,共同籌辦了『立方衛星挑戰營』。這個挑戰營旨在培養下一代與國際接軌的衛星工程師和太空探險家,為他們提供了一個富有趣味和知識的學習平台。 親愛的家長們,您是否已為您的孩子準備好一個充滿樂趣和學習的暑假了呢?2024年的『立方衛星挑戰營』將與NASA太空人攜手,一同探索太空的奧秘,度過一個充實而難忘的一周。若您想獲得更多詳情或預訂您的席位,請即造訪我們的網站 https://cubesat.kas.tw/!我們將竭誠為您服務。 🗓️營隊日期:2024/7/22~2024/7/26,早上9點至下午4點 營隊地點:高雄美國學校 年齡限制:12-15歲 (小六至國三學生) ============================== 《CubeSat Challenge Kaohsiung 2024》 Website 官方網站:https://cubesat.kas.tw/ Official LINE account 官方LINE帳號:@897xljbd Organizer 主辦單位:Kaohsiung American School 高雄美國學校 Starlight Education 英國星光教育機構 #高雄 #全英文沈浸式學習 #2024夏令營 #太空營 #科技課程 #高空探索 #星際導師Sam #程式編碼 #3D設計 #機器人技術 #培養領導力 #公眾演講能力 #團隊合作 #設計思維 #國中生

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We had a blast at our interactive visit and book signing event with author Christina Matula! Check out these snapshots from the event! Thank you, Christina, for bringing your storytelling magic to life and sharing your cultural treasures with our elementary and middle school students! #authorvisit #BookSigningEvent #worldbookdayweek #kaslibrary

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