Visual Arts

Unleashing creativity and self-expression through the visual arts

At our school, the Visual Arts program offers a comprehensive educational experience that encourages self-expression, exploration, and creativity. Starting from PreKindergarten, students at KAS have the opportunity to engage in a wide range of artistic disciplines including drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, digital media, and more. Through their involvement in the creative process, students not only develop analytical skills in problem-solving and divergent thinking but also learn to critically appreciate and contribute to the arts.

Our art studios and ceramic kiln area provide a dedicated space for students to work and create, equipped with everything they need. Their artwork is proudly displayed in the hallways and as wall murals, as well as showcased in exhibitions held in the lobby, exhibition hall, library, and media center throughout the school year. This not only celebrates their individual creativity but also fosters a sense of pride and community engagement.

Additionally, the High School Arts Department organizes artist visits, workshops, and field trips annually, exposing our students to different perspectives and nurturing their understanding and appreciation of the diverse artistic expressions found in the world around them. High school extracurricular art clubs, such as Charity Art Club and Charrette Club offer the opportunity for student-led art making and community based activities. All of these experiences broaden students’ horizons and contribute to their growth as artists and individuals.

Meet our Visual Arts Faculty

Continue your Dragon Story

Performing Arts