The Power of Interdisciplinary Learning
Last week, students in Grades 6–10 delved into Interdisciplinary Units that sparked curiosity, creativity, passion, and some impressive projects. These units aren’t just about memorizing facts; they’re about connecting ideas to solve real-world problems.
Over the course of the week, our MYP students worked in grade level teams to tackle local and global issues tied to Taiwan’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Grade 6 – Science & Art
• Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Grade 7 – Math & Design
• Make cities and human settlements inclusive, resilient, and sustainable
Grade 8 – Physical and Health Education & Language Acquisition
• Conserve and sustainably use marine ecosystems and terrestrial ecosystems
Grade 9 – Individuals and Societies & Art
• Promote peaceful and inclusive societies, provide justice for all, and build effective, accountable and inclusive institution
Grade 10 – Language and Literature & Individuals and Societies
• Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
As we celebrate the culmination of IDU Week and the work of our students, we are reminded that these interdisciplinary experiences are not just an educational requirement of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme, but are key to our BIG mission and in preparing students for life beyond KAS in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.
Interdisciplinary learning calls on students to explore connections between different academic subjects. It calls on them to ask questions, make meaningful connections, and approach problems from different perspectives. By integrating concepts and skills from multiple subject areas, students are encouraged to think critically, creatively, and collaboratively. This approach not only improves academic proficiency but also cultivates essential 21st century skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem solving.
IDUs inspire students to become active changemakers in their communities and beyond. By engaging with real-world issues through interdisciplinary lenses, students are challenged to apply their learning to address complex challenges facing society. Whether it’s designing sustainable solutions to climate change, advocating for gender equality and social justice, or building more resilient communities, IDUs are a platform for students to make meaningful contributions to the world around them. Through experiential learning and authentic inquiry, students develop a sense of agency, realizing that their actions can have a tangible impact on the world.
Check out our latest Middle School Week at a Glance Video and witness the passion and innovation of our students as they embarked on their IDU journey.